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Basic equipment at kindergarten: what does your child need?

The first year at kindergarten or preschool is approaching fast – and with it a whole new chapter of life which raises many questions: what does your child need for preschool? Is there a checklist you can tick off? And when did your little darling get so big? You won't find answers to all of these questions, but perhaps two thirds of them:

Basic equipment for kindergarten – what do you need? (Checklist)

  • Indoor shoes

  • Rainwear (rain jacket, rain trousers, wellies or rain boots)

  • Change of clothes

  • Backpack

  • Sippy bottle

  • Wetbag

  • Cuddly toy

  • Family photo(s)

  • Medication

  • Little name tags

  • Type of hat


  • Lunch box

  • Dummy

  • Gym bag

  • Bed linen or sleeping bag and sleepwear

  • Milk formula

  • Nappies, antiseptic cream, wet wipes etc.

Indoor shoes

To keep your child's feet warm, you should pack comfortable, non-slip indoor shoes or trainers. These also protect your child's feet from sharp stones or broken glass. When buying new indoor shoes for children, make sure they have a soft sole. The shoe should be flexible so that your child learns to roll their feet properly while running in PE. Open indoor shoes are not recommended as they don't provide enough support.


Kindergarten groups love going outside to play, even after a light rain shower. Damp sand makes the best sandcastles. Wellies, waterproof trousers and a rain jacket will keep your child clean and dry.

Change of clothes

It is worth having a change of T-shirt, trousers, underwear and socks in case of slight accidents. Remember to sort a new change of clothes at preschool once your child puts on a spurt of growth and needs the next size up.


It's best to keep sippy bottles, cuddly toys and other things that don't stay at preschool in a small rucksack. Your child should be able to carry this themselves. So make sure the one you choose comes with ergonomic padding and fits well. A sensible internal layout and reflectors are a definite plus. To start with however, you usually carry the backpack yourself anyway. 😉

Sippy bottle

What applies to eating also applies to drinking – not every preschool provides cups and so on. If this is the case, your child will need a bottle or cup so they can have a drink when they need.


Speaking of wet weather and minor accidents: preschool staff can easily store wet clothing in a wet bag.

Cuddly toy

Not all preschools like children bringing their own toys in, so it's best to discuss this beforehand. However, a favourite cuddly toy or blanket can work wonders when it comes to settling in.

Family photos

If settling in is proving painful, photos can help to ease the suffering. Preschools often create photo albums for each child. The children's lockers and nappy-changing areas are also plastered with photos.


Remember to advise the kindergarten of any illnesses, allergies or intolerances and hand in the relevant medication.

Little name tags

Speaking of personal belongings: to avoid any misunderstandings, you can attach name tags to lunch boxes, clothing, etc.

Type of hat

In summer, your child needs a cap or hat to protect them from the sun. In colder weather, a hat keeps their ears warm.

What do you need for the cot? - Optional

Besides the must-haves, there are some optional items which you might need depending on the kindergarten and the child.

Lunch box

Some preschools provide breakfast and lunch, while with others you have to provide their own meals and snacks. Make sure your child can open the lid by themselves.


If your child uses a dummy, it should also come with them to preschool to calm them down when it hurts to say goodbye, at nap time and for minor aches and pains.

Gym bag

Some kindergartens also offer PE, although this is usually aimed at older children (over 3 years). You can pack a T-shirt, sports shorts and trainers for this.

Bed linen or sleeping bag and sleepwear

If your child takes a nap, they might have to bring their own bed linen and/or sleeping bag and pyjamas. It's best to ask at the preschool

Milk formula

You should also discuss this with the preschool beforehand. If your child is still having milk, it is usual to take in bottles of powdered milk or expressed breast milk.

Nappies, antiseptic cream, wet wipes etc.

Some preschools and kindergartens provide these items for a monthly nappy fee (5 to 10 euros), while others require nappies, antiseptic cream, etc. to be brought in from home. However, the preschool will let you know about this beforehand.

Conclusion: What do you need for kindergarten?

Most things your child needs can be organised quickly and stay at preschool. Remember to wash waterproof trousers, changes of clothing and hats regularly or replace them when your child needs to go up a size. A stylish new kindergarten backpack also makes for wonderful photos on the first day of preschool or at a parents-and-child photo shoot.


What goes into the kindergarten backpack?

What do you need in summer?

Was braucht man im Winter?


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